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A member registered Jan 11, 2024

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thank you! youre a lifesaver.

love this game, and really easy to learn the mechanics

i sobbed playing this, its so utterly heartbreaking.

 i got an 85!

i love this,  but the text is hard to read. other than that great game! love the concept too, wish there were more games like this.

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Thank you for replying!

ill definitely be checking it out when its finished, i loved this one so much!


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omg i love this game and  i love the dog professor!

i do wish there was a skip option because i was trying to get all the endings but it was really tiring to keep clicking.

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so i put the wrong password in by accident and now i cant put anything else in because i cant backspace.

please help i keep accidentally pressing A so i have to start from the beginning.

awesome short game

this was awesome 

such a cute game! hope those cats find a new home.

i loved his game so much that ill admit i sobbed at the end when they were going t o heaven. i honestly felt like i connected with the amazing characters. when i heard that song i got so emotional. i have purrgatory blues in my own spotify playlist dedicated to songs that never fail to make me cry. thank you for such an amazing game!